Sunday, February 07, 2010

Smut-Free Sunday

Haven’t we had enough smut here for one week?

It’s time to get down on your knees and acknowledge the sacred over the profane.

Take time to appreciate, for example, this wide range of ecclesiastical headgear.

Note: This is a FEBRUARY FLASHBACK from the Infomaniac Archives. Content in Feburary Flashbacks may be slightly altered from the original posting. We welcome your comments but due to time limitations this month, Mistress MJ will not be responding personally to all your comments.


  1. but, that is still a metal! we get metals, right? xoxoxox

  2. I'm going with this hat for the Nordic Combined event.

    Oh Hai Princess, Savannah!

  3. So many ghey religious people it does my heart good to know there is hope for them.

  4. the higher the hat, the closer to God.

  5. Oh Hai, XL, Savannah, Princess and everyone else.

    I loooove XL's choice... ;-)

    Does god condone horrific fashion? Or does he do that just to have a good laugh?

  6. I'm in shock. I'm going to have to lie down now.

    No cocks, arses, tits or pussies....

    But some very, very bad head gear.

    Oh the horror.

    Oh hai ponita, xl, princess, pete, savannah!

  7. Whow ... it's carneval already?

  8. Mago - did you write the text in that link?

  9. The Pope is Santa!?! Explains a lot.

  10. I feel closer to God just reading your blog. Do I get a hat for that?

  11. delight #1 looks as if he'd walked into the store and asked for something with a jane wyman bang.

  12. The Fashion report

    Number 1: Is wearing a penis.

    Number 2: Is a Trekkie, wearing Guinana's hat from Star Trek, The Next Generation.

    Number 3: Is on his way to a Star Wars convention, dressed as Queen Amidala.

    Number 4: Is a Don King fan.

    Number 5: Emperor Palapatine brings Christmas gifts to the clones on the Death Star.

    Number 6: Wants to be a Rockette!

  13. click click click click click

    Don't you bitches have church services to attend?

    Or SuperBowl parties?

    *resumes clicking*

  14. I would like to order 1 no. 6 Ice Blue Queen for a Day crown and stole accessory set in medium please.

  15. FELIX: Considering you claim to have a 28-inch-waist, I'm surprised you're not requesting a small.

  16. ...were you to wear it around your waist, that is.

    *shuts up and resumes clicking*

  17. Sorry, KAZ, not my text. But a very good source. Once was given a kind of "Modenschau" by a Dominican. What a vain bloke he was.

  18. I am convinced that clerics invent such hats for keeping small animals in - just in case they get hungry during service

  19. Say Reverend MJ, when I am down on my knees, praying' in front of you, and I feel it comin', the Holy Spirit and all, it can't be wrong when I press my face in your robe, seeking salvation?

  20. Fondle my rosary beads, Mago.

    Did someone mention cake?

    This is NOT a belching compo, Beast.

  21. Welcome back from your New York hols, Manuel.

    One of those hats would go nicely with your manbag.

  22. Cake can be fashioned into a lovely sunday hat. if the sermon goes long, a sensible hat can feed a family of four. only christians that is. heathens get no cake. or hats. or cake hats.
