Monday, February 20, 2023

Blogging from Beyond the Grave

I bring news of our dear friend LX (aka XL aka Mr. Lax, etc.) who departed this world some time ago.

LX's profile photo (one of his beloved Siamese cats.)

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I miss his presence, his sense of humour, his good nature, and his comments.

Recently, in 2023, I checked my Blogger spam folder. I'm in the habit of checking the folder on a regular basis so there shouldn't have been any comments older than 2022. Imagine my surprise when there were comments I'd never seen before in my spam folder dated 2010

Considering that I'd checked my spam folder multiple times during the past year, I was stunned to find comments from 2010! How did those 2010 comments suddenly show up in 2023?

And do you know who those comments were from? LX!!! See for yourself ...

Click on image to enlarge. I found these comments in 2023 in my spam folder written by LX although they're dated 2010, and although he died a few years ago, and although I've been regularly checking my spam folder and couldn't possibly have missed comments from 2010 during previous checks.

I'm thrilled to have been visited from beyond the grave but what do you Bitches make of all this?