Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Good Are You?

In yesterday’s posting we found out how dodgy you are.

Today let’s find out how if there’s any goodness in you at all.

Take the Morality Quiz.

Mistress MJ will be 'round to read your blogs later. She has some self-medicating to do first.

Note: This is a FEBRUARY FLASHBACK from the Infomaniac Archives. Content in Feburary Flashbacks may be slightly altered from the original posting. We welcome your comments but due to time limitations this month, Mistress MJ will not be responding personally to all your comments.


  1. "Moral rating: vacuum"

    That really sucks.

  2. Moral rating : VACUUM. Yes, as assumed already by ALL, Heff SUCKS.

  3. I'm no good at taking a quiz. I cheat.

  4. apparently i'm:

    bad to the bone
    Moral rating: vacuum.

  5. Wait while I put these dark glasses on - there's an unearthly radiance shining from every pore of your body. You're an angel, a shining emblem of probity. Why is it you have no friends?
    Moral rating: full of it (morality).

    That's right. I'm a saint! Now start forking over the offerings!

  6. Apparently it would seem that i too am "Full of It"

    Welcome to the club Mr Eros,
    Perhaps we could exchange halos?

    Hi Xl, Boxer

  7. The only good morality is double morality.

    Happy day to you all

  8. Apparently, I too am full of morality and have an angel's light.

    Yeah, right.

  9. Why bother... I advertise how bad I am.

  10. fuck that shit....and mommie tee too. and don't even get me started about el papa.

  11. I'm b-b-b-bad to the bone
    and quite enjoying my tenure in my moral Dyson thankyouverymuch

  12. I will also cheat if I take the test.
    I would try to make myself worse than I am.

  13. I am greedy and treacherous - but without me civilisation would collapse. Instead of which it just sags.
    Great! Now where was that sexy celebrity again?

  14. I'm better than the two in the photo.

  15. As are so very many of us here, I am:

    Answered mostly 3s:
    You're bad to the bone
    Moral rating: vacuum.

    That's supposed to be a surprise? The thing about loose or nonexistent morals is that they are only a problem to everyone around you, never to you. Like bad breath.

  16. I’m apparently a much better Dodger than I am a member of M.J.’s Morality Guild.

  17. Two Questions. #1 Is XL a stalker? Does XL leave the house, or even the room where it scans every 18 seconds for a new MJ post? My kissing up is lessened by such devotion. I shall plan a plot of a devious nature. #2 Why would MJ doubt the morals of the highly esteemed AND acclaimed group who respond to her missives? Also - the re-posting of earlier items screams 'RED FLAG' at kabuki. MJ HAS OBVIOUSLY BEEN KIDNAPPED BY THE OLYMPIC MASCOT QUATCHI! (Quatchi is a young sasquatch who comes from the mysterious forests of Canada. Quatchi is shy, but loves to explore new places and meet new friends.) EXPLORE NEW PLACES INDEED! What horrible sexual acts of depravity are being forced on MJ? And is force the correct word if she enjoys it? I FOR ONE SHALL NOT REST UNTIL MJ IS SAFELY IN MY ARMS ONCE AGAIN. Metaphorically speaking. This is the kabuki Emergency Network.

  18. Uh oh...a cat fight between Kabuki and XL!!! Get the popcorn and vodka out!

  19. Moral rating: amber. I'm greedy and treacherous, but frightened of getting into trouble.

  20. I also have a question I've been meaning to ask...why is Kapitano always looking up in his photo? Do I want to know??

  21. kabuki/XL cat fight?

    I'm there!

    *pours shooters for everyone*

    p.s. Kapitano appears to be looking up Kaz's skirt. Unless Mr. Peenee (below Kapitano) is performing some deviant act on Kapi, causing him to throw his head back.

    Oh, and I am NOT having Sasquatch sex.

  22. Dammit I am with Kaz and random , greedy and trecherous

  23. I did not know that Mother Theresa was that small. And fat.
    Oh, and I am Saint.

  24. I'm the same as Kaz: Answered mostly 2s:
    Greedy and treacherous, but frightened of getting into trouble. Congratulations! Without you, civilisation would collapse. Instead of which it just sags.
    Moral rating: amber.

    I'm NOT TOO WORRIED about getting in trouble, but I do flirt with cops about to give me a ticket....

  25. I'm bad to the bone with the morals of a vacuum, makes a change from having the morals of an alley cat.

  26. Harr harrr me hearties1:08 PM, February 11, 2010

    That's just for women! Grrr.

    (Posted for Mob as he is at this moment trying to row across the Atlantic in an old bath-tub. He semaphored an exchange of messages to a merchantman who then passed the message on to me and I am now in port blogging this.)
