Saturday, January 13, 2007

A Day Without Filth

Let’s clean up this blog!

Day One without filth!

Let it be known that Infomaniac is filth-free today.

And I’m confident it will stay that way right through ‘til the next Filthy Friday.

But to erase the trail of slime from previous posts, we’re going to need a heavy-duty cleaning product…


  1. Piggy: Only because Awaiting is too hungover to find her way here.

    SID: Don’t fret. Help is available for you.

  2. I watched and smiled wryly.

  3. Maidy: Deviant.

    Spikey: It sucks too!

    Benjamin: :-i

  4. Eeeeewwwww gawd that was funny..
    shoot it in every load....
    oh mj.

    The dog licking the sweater pretty much sums it up.
