Thursday, December 06, 2012

Update on Donn

Proof that you can't keep a good man down...

(click to enlarge)

If you've been following Infomaniac today, you know that it's Donn's birthday but that he was recently hospitalized.

Thanks to Vicus and Miss Scarlet who both sent me good news, gleaned from Donn's Facebook page.

Here's what Donn has to say...

Thank You all for the Get Wells & Positive Vibes & Birthday Wishes.
Thanks to the miracle of modern science I dodged a bullet and got a second chance...I had some blockage in the 60 - 95% category corrected with stents and chemicals have restored my blood pressure down from the Giraffe range.
I will try to catch up in the next day or so but I am pretty tired... thank you for the very kind thoughts & words.
Love & Peace to All


  1. I love how he's still posting lolz memes from his hospital bed! What a guy. :)

  2. Donn if you are out there reading this, sending warm wishes for speedy recovery!

  3. xoxoxox for you and donn, sugarpie!

  4. It's wonderful news that Donn and his dong have made such a rapid recovery. I'm glad for him and his family. Get even weller soon Donn...

  5. I had been hoping for a shot from behind in his hospital gown but I'll settle for this.
