Sunday, December 10, 2006

Thumb Sucking Adults

Victoria “Posh” Beckham – either sucking thumb or inducing vomiting (uncertain)

For all those years you thought you were the only person on the planet thumbsucking at your age. Well you finally found the right place!

Thumb Sucking Adults, a site for the adult thumb sucker.

Francesco Totti, football totty, suck it hotty.


  1. I always find that pictures of Mrs B. induce vomiting, so there goes my vote.

  2. The Totti one is him wetting his thumb before checking the wind direction as he prepares to take a free kick.

    I wouldn't care if my players were to suck each others thumbs as long as they scored some bloody goals.

  3. Geoff: It could be worse. You could be a Charlton or Watford fan.

  4. Well, I'm just gonna skip this one.

    Not that I suck my thumb or anything...


  5. Gee Whillikers I can't imagine any of the members of the Italian DIVING team, oops Soccer,acting like Big Babies!
    Posh must be a world class purger although she may be trying to master her Gag reflex so that she can bend it like Beckham?

  6. YOU ARE ALL WRONG! The totti one is something he does after he scores a goal. he use to kiss his wedding finger before after every goal in dedication to his wife illary when they first got married. now he sucks his thumb in dedication to his son Christian and daughter Chanel !

  7. Romanista: Thanks for the information!
