Sunday, June 21, 2009


It turns me upside down.


  1. 2nd!

    Miss Savannah, jump in here!

  2. Summer's here! About time for an Infomaniac Weenie Roast?

  3. It’s been 100 degrees here everyday this week! I’ve been naked a lot of that time for numerous reasons...

  4. If I could work out what she was trying to do it might make some sense....

    Ayem8y - where are the pics dude :)

  5. God I would so party with her.


  6. Nice granny knickers MJ.

    And Damien - EXACTLY! We need pics.

  7. It looks like you were just pitched in through the window - which one of the house boys managed that?

  8. @xl...i was sound asleep, sugar! *sigh* xoxox

    *ouch* she looks as if she is inn serious pain! xoxoxo

  9. Turns you upside down? Is that a good thing?

    Happy summer solstice to all!

  10. XL: Summer's here! About time for an Infomaniac Weenie Roast?

    Only if you fellas pitch in this time and bring your own weenies.

    AYEM8Y: It’s been 100 degrees here everyday this week! I’ve been naked a lot of that time for numerous reasons...

    Nice work, Mean Dirty Pirate.

    You’ve gone and excited Damien and CyberPoof and their fevered imaginations.

    Don’t let a Palmetto bug crawl up your drainpipe!

    DAMIEN: If I could work out what she was trying to do it might make some sense....
    Ayem8y - where are the pics dude :)

    She is laughing her head off at your request for nekkid pics of Mean Dirty Pirate.

    You know he’s playing hard to get.

    WIL: God I would so party with her.

    You would party with anyone who could produce a keg of beer out of their granny pants.

    CYBERPOOF: Nice granny knickers MJ.
    And Damien - EXACTLY! We need pics.

    Wasn’t seeing Mean Dirty Pirate’s ass enough for you?

    Is there no end to your Ayem8y lust?

  11. SCARLET: And nice tan lines...

    We’ve had a freak spell of sunny weather leading up to the first day of summer.

    LULU: It looks like you were just pitched in through the window - which one of the house boys managed that?

    We do not recall as we may have been under the influence at the time.

    KAZ: Nice set of choppers.

    And easily removed and set in a glass on the bedside table for those “intimate” moments.

    SAVANNAH: @xl...i was sound asleep, sugar! *sigh* xoxox
    *ouch* she looks as if she is inn serious pain! xoxoxo

    You are confusing pain with ecstasy.

    Or is that the norm in your household?

    LEAH: Turns you upside down? Is that a good thing?

    When it comes to questions about good things, we’ll have to ask Martha Stewart.

  12. No end at all but MDPs end is very desirable

  13. With moves like that, who cares about ugly underpants?

  14. annual pool party time yet? I still have my plastic martini glasses from last yeart.

  15. CYBERPOOF: No end at all but MDPs end is very desirable

    Do you have his ass as your wallpaper?

    EROS: With moves like that, who cares about ugly underpants?

    Not too fussy, are we?

    BOXER: annual pool party time yet? I still have my plastic martini glasses from last yeart.

    Between you asking for the annual pool party and XL asking for the annual Infomaniac weenie roast, the pressure is on!

  16. Nom nom nom ...

  17. What I'd give to see the stored pictures you have on your PC.
