Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gay Boy

This month’s Infomaniac Book Club selection…

[via Zenfancy]

Read it and write a book report OR tell us what strange and anguished desires drove you down the road to homosexual experience to be known as a GAY BOY!


  1. I'm not Gay Boy, but I am


  2. You can write the damn book report like it says.

  3. What made me a gay boy?
    My god given love of penis and interior design.


  4. I couldn't read it, the pages were stuck together.

  5. One day when I was six, I wandered over to the next door neighbor's home. When no one answered I let myself in as was the custom and made my way down the hall and into the master bedroom. There in all his glory was the beefy Mr. Mitchell taking a shower. The enclosure was clear glass and I saw every inch of his naked body. It was this experience that drove me down the road to homosexual experience to be known as a GAY BOY!

  6. blessed with looks, brains and talent poor kabuki never had a chance to be anything else. some people are fabulous, and others have fabulous thrust upon them. kabuki has both. TA-DA!

  7. *tries to open the crusty pages*

    Please miss, can I have another copy?

  8. ...I have lustful stories about shoes, if that's any help?
    The title of my anthology is simply Shoe Horn, a collection of soleful porn.

  9. How the hell did they find my journal???

    DAMN those second slaves!!!


  10. JASON: What made me a gay boy?
    My god given love of penis and interior design.

    Hallelujah, sistah!

    We’ve all seen your childhood bedroom.

    XL: I couldn't read it, the pages were stuck together.

    That’s enough…I’m taking away AyeM8y’s borrowing privileges.

    AYEM8Y: One day when I was six, I wandered over to the next door neighbor's home. When no one answered I let myself in as was the custom and made my way down the hall and into the master bedroom. There in all his glory was the beefy Mr. Mitchell taking a shower. The enclosure was clear glass and I saw every inch of his naked body. It was this experience that drove me down the road to homosexual experience to be known as a GAY BOY!

    Mr. Mitchell?

    I don’t recall this scene in Dennis the Menace.

    KABUKI: blessed with looks, brains and talent poor kabuki never had a chance to be anything else. some people are fabulous, and others have fabulous thrust upon them. kabuki has both. TA-DA!

    Mistress MJ considers it a privilege to have kabook’s fabulosity thrust upon her.

    It’s like a giant piston of fabulosity.

    ROSES: *tries to open the crusty pages*
    Please miss, can I have another copy?

    That was the last copy.

    And now the cover is vodka-stained, thanks to you.

    SCARLET: ...I have lustful stories about shoes, if that's any help?
    The title of my anthology is simply Shoe Horn, a collection of soleful porn.

    Let’s start planning the author tour.

    You can wear The Freakin’ Green Elf Shorts paired with some fabulous shoes.

    DAMIEN: How the hell did they find my journal???
    DAMN those second slaves!!!

    They just had to check out your blog, hon.

  11. The first record I bought was the Andrews Sisters' Greatest Hits...

    I watched "Wild Wild West" to see Robert Conrad take off his shirt....

    I knew the color puce when I saw it....

    And I like dick.

  12. WALLY: The first record I bought was the Andrews Sisters' Greatest Hits...
    I watched "Wild Wild West" to see Robert Conrad take off his shirt....
    I knew the color puce when I saw it....
    And I like dick.

    Honk if you love cock!

  13. "a probing look at the gay boy's and......"

    incorrect apostrophe on a book
    cover, always beckons me in.
