Happy New Year to each and every Infomaniac Bitch!
Let’s take a moment to welcome those who left their first comment here on Infomaniac in 2011…
Absolute Johnnie, AJF, Bitter69UK, Blazng Scarlet, Canadian Girl, Cat, Charlotta Sheer, Chickory, CoreyJo, Deep Blue (Jon), Epic Fail, George W. Tush, Ilduce, Joe Corbati, Joka P., Memphis Steve, Mermaid Gallery, Mistress Maddie, Michelle, Miss Sno Cone, Mrs. Martha Smith-Standish, Peeper Beeper, Rafa, Rincewind, Rui Barros, She, Tatty Tiara, TB, Tigerchanter, Tiger Tsuki, Topher, Twunty McSlore, Unbearable Banishment and Zenfancy.
Did I miss anyone?
And thanks to those of you lurkers who never comment but who sent lovely emails to Mistress MJ to let me know you’re out there.
To 2012, Bitches!
And let’s not forget that not only is December 31st New Year’s Eve…it’s Savannah’s birthday!
Happy birthday, Miss Savannah!
Help yourself to CAKE!...
Mmm...doesn't it smell good?