Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Giant Rabbits in the News

It’s been a year for big bunnies and humongous hares.

In England, a huge rabbit is destroying vegetable patches; ripping up prize-winning turnips and leeks.

Still in Blighty, the RSPCA condemned a mock wedding of two giant rabbits.

Meanwhile, in Norway, a large hare attacked a dogsled team.

Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!


  1. Better a big rabbit than a big panda, that goes into a bar and eats, shoots & leaves !!!

  2. Kelvin: Ha! I see you've been reading your Lynne Truss. By the way, if you have a zero tolerance approach to punctuation, you'll have a field day on this blog correcting my errors.
