Sunday, March 04, 2018

What Did We Miss?

Some of us can't stay awake to watch the Academy Awards in its entirety...

What did we miss?


  1. I won....and thanked all the little people.
    The little people with the big cocks.

    Helen (Mirren) LOVED IT!

    1. I wasn't even aware there was a category for casting couch? So old Harvey came through for you did he?

    2. Mistress Maddie is obviously jealous of Norma.

  2. In my opinion a funeral home would habe been more exciting.

    1. MISTRESS MADDIE: Well, it takes all kinds but I didn’t have you pegged for that sort of thing.

  3. Also missed it. Did I win?

    1. LX: Did you not see Norma’s comment?

      Pay attention!

  4. I’ve never been nominated. I have no reason to watch it. It’s only a popularity contest.

    1. JEFFERY: Then Norma is clearly Miss Popularity.

    2. And we all know why she’s so popular.

    3. Jeffery,

      Norma's gushing fame,
      on heels, back, or knees,
      a crowd teaser of sorts,
      her legend: "opening ease".

      The hangers-on,
      in any form,
      seek her shadowed sanctum.
      For Norma's method is wily,
      Their dribble is how she ranked 'em.

      Hollywood is a tawdry delight,
      one Norma can handily peruse.
      She's ridden up and comers,
      and blown a has-been's fuse.

      From Brentwood to Burbank,
      our gal is quite well known.
      And Norma's hidden pantry,
      is a legend gossip has grown.

      So it's time to give a statue,
      with a battery inside,
      Category sweeping with a wink,
      There's no position she hasn't tried.

    4. Shouldn't someone be binding (and gagging) the exquisite work that's being done? Might it make a good coffee table book? Maybe Marlo Thomas, pinch hitting for Danny, could write the forward?

  5. Beats me. I haven't seen a movie in a theater in years. It's part of my Avoid as Many People as Possible campaign. Your on-going battle with blogger has taken an odd twist, at least for me. When I try to log-on to your site, it only loads as far down as Justin Trudueau's nipples and then stops. I understand being stunned by them at first, but this happens every time. I then reload and everything's hunky dorey. Been this way for several days.

    1. BITCHES: Is anyone besides Mr. Peenee being stopped short at Justin Trudeau's nipples?

      I wasn't aware of a problem but it's always something with Blogger.

    2. Exact same thing's been happening to me.

    3. BITCHES, I don't know how to explain it. It's not happening when I scroll down.

      Let's give it another couple of days and see if it works itself out. Please let me know if it continues.

    4. I've replaced the JT nipple pic with a different JT nipple pic. Maybe the photo was causing the problem?
