A peek at ‘the week that was’ with a handful of Infomaniac’s readers.
The star of our show this week is everybody’s favourite witch, IDV (Inexplicable DeVice.)

IDV made guest appearances on a few blogs Friday night, after drinking a potent witch’s brew.
Not surprisingly, he was more lucid in his drunken state than when he’s sober.
And thankfully, he explained, at least he didn’t vomit in anyone’s blog. Small mercies.
Pull up a chair as we relive some of the finer bon mots left behind by IDV on Friday night:
Fuck ,! so drunke,!
Shit wzaasht Have i done?
I don;t afucking knoe. Shit amutst try better
Ignotere athat. Bufggger
Haven'y \\\\i been here?
Oooh hello |SID. I tinka
Oh crap I',m acrap a ttthais FfBastard/
Must do better,. try harder.
Reallu budggger
Vety! Why Am I aso Drunk/?Q!
Shaking. Sleep. Tired. Diidef. IFytird. BAstrad, What in dhtirrst ams I doing?
Kill me
Fuck! I've fUKIONG SOBERED UP! Must go to bed,. Nee dwater. Will go now.
And my personal favourite…
Yes! I lovwe yous (in response to SID’s question, “Do I have to follow you around cleaning up your vomit all night?”)
And speaking of that Stupid Oirish Cunt…

SID (Stupid Irish Daddy) continued to blather on endlessly about who-knows-what, as basically, he’s incoherent. Just continue to humour him by nodding in agreement as he speaks.
And take no notice of this nasty piece of work he created…

Tazzy and Piggy are up to their fiddling and diddling again. This time with the Webcam and Chat features on their blog. If it wasn’t for Convict and Carly, I would still be sitting here trying to figure out how to configure all the settings. Thankfully, Convict and Carly took pity on a thick Canuck and talked me through it. Fucking headache, it was. Stop messing about with your blog! Can I get a witness? Amen.
Awaiting posted her lovely childhood pic …

Which Steve cruelly noted looks like this…

Where is the love in this Blogging world, I ask you?
Can’t we all just get along?
Infomaniac newcomer, Old Knudsen (Old Bitter Balls) continued his hot pursuit of yours truly, pulling out every trick in the book.

The naked pics (see photo above)
The Irish charm. (Nice try playing the usually winning Norn Iron card but your Scottish blood cancels out the Irish.)
The offer of a nice post-coital cuppa tea.
I cannot be swayed, you old bastard.
I refuse to be Knudsened!
That perv Frobi pondered the fate of a trampolinist bummed by a tiger and a hippo that swallowed a circus dwarf . . .

Here comes trouble . . .

American Psycho bitch from hell (looks are deceiving)
Maidy continues to have mood swings. Give her a wide berth. (Insert pregnancy joke here.)
Please tell that lazy-arse husband of yours to update his blog.
Winterpeg’s Within Without went on about sibling rivalry (a brother who photographed WW’s bald spot), wanting Stevie Nicks to “Landslide” on him, and playing Bowman 2 with Homo Escapeons.
HE (Homo Escapeons), when not playing Bowman 2 with WW (see above) dissected the film Borat.

Geoff is looking a little green around the gills these days. Earlier he discussed a BBC drama called Five Days that will probably never see the light of day in Canada. Unless it turns up here 2 years later a la EastEnders.
Betty sang in the bath, chatted about dealing with fuckwits on the phone, and ranted about New Blogger.
Pru celebrated her new celebrity-trashing blog prunella de ville and threw a party. Everyone was invited. It’s not too late so B.Y.O.B.
And finally, give an Infomaniac wild welcome to our newest reader…
