Friday, September 27, 2019

Garden Photos Deadline

The deadline to submit your garden photos is approaching. If you do not meet the deadline, there will be consequences...
Submit your photos by Monday, September 30th for the NINTH ANNUAL INFOMANIAC GARDEN PHOTOS EVENT

Maximum 8 photos. Please include a brief description of each photo. 

Photographs will be published in October, in the order in which they were received.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fall Foliage

While you're waiting for everyone to submit their photos for the NINTH ANNUAL INFOMANIAC GARDEN PHOTOS EVENT, you may admire the fall foliage...

Click to embiggen the view

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pirate Booty

What are you doing for International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th?

Oh, that's right... we promised you pirate booty...

 Welcome back, AyeM8y!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Submit Your Garden Photos

The Mistress has left you hanging long enough...

It's time to submit your garden photos for the NINTH ANNUAL INFOMANIAC GARDEN PHOTOS EVENT.

Select up to 8 of your favourite photos of your garden and email them to me by the end of September. If you don't have a garden, take photos of your houseplants or floral arrangements. (We're not fussy.)

Please include a brief description of each photo.