Monday, April 17, 2017

Public Service Announcement #35

Ladders are a frequent source of injuries. Please follow these safety guidelines.

Wear SHOES with non-slip soles...


DON'T exceed the maximum load capacity of a ladder. Only one person at a time is permitted on a ladder unless the ladder is specifically designed for more than one climber...


Climb FACING the ladder and place your feet firmly on each rung...

Center your body on the ladder and keep your belt buckle between the rails while maintaining a firm grip...


Use secure blocking or have someone hold the ladder...

DON'T climb a ladder if you are not physically and mentally up to the task...

Failure to comply with the above regulations will result in punishment from The Mistress...

This has been an Infomaniac Public Service Announcement.


  1. I was just wondering in which episode of Corrie did Kevin Webster get caught in the altogether (pic 4, obv), when I was sidetracked by the dreadful sidebar news that Boy Butter has been Banned!

    *retires to fainting chaise*

    1. My very first thought was "good god - Kevin Webster's cock! Jx

      PS ironically, the Comcast network that banned that gay ad for being "too gay" during the broadcast of a very gay drag queen contest has a suspiciously rainbow-flag-esque logo. I only wish we could have "Boy Butter" ads in the break during Corrie...

  2. MR. DeVICE & JON: It could be either Kevin Webster or Corrie’s window cleaner, Tim Metcalfe…both hiding from Sally.

    Mr. DeVice buys industrial-size vats of Boy Butter.

    1. Well, it's so versatile! As well as getting rather hot gingers banned from TV, it's an excellent motor lubricant and coolant, a wonderful fertiliser, ideal for butter icing/frosting, a marvellous sunscreen and, at a push, an effective hair product!
      I couldn't do without it!

    2. MR. DeVICE & JON: Oh, silly me. I thought you meant Kevin Webster was the bloke with his face obscured but obviously it’s the moustachioed man with his cock through the rung.

      And yes, it DOES look like Kevin! Back in the day, that is.

  3. Replies
    1. JEFFERY: Yet so little time to bang all the climbers.

  4. Poor sod on the roof was stranded in Devon - coincidence ?
    Where is the Dame of Devon after all ?

    1. MAGO: Is he trying to peer into Miss Scarlet’s window?

    2. I wondered what it was that disturbed my beauty sleep, and now I know!

  5. You included a picture of Jack Lofton! <3

    1. COOKIE: Leave it to you and/or Peenee to spot the porn star.

      The one who looks like Kevin Webster.

  6. visited and
    plugged in the word "ladder."

    my favorite synonym?
    pecking order.

  7. Someone should tell the fellas in pic 5: That is not the way to play Chutes and Ladders.

  8. Tim Metcalfe can dunk his chammy in my bucket anytime.

    1. MITZI: Unless, of course, it’s Kevin Webster. (see my earlier comment.)

  9. Mr Device: relax, dear, it's only the advert that's banned.I believe the product is still available.
