Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Show Us Your Stiffcock

Ready to show us your Nipplewort?...

Or your Sticky Willy or your Stiffcock?...

If you took photos of your garden this year in anticipation of THE SEVENTH ANNUAL INFOMANIAC GARDEN PHOTOS EVENT, you may submit them now.

Submit a photo or photos of your garden. If you don’t have a garden, send a photo of your houseplants or lawn ornaments. Or for those style queens amongst you, a photo of your artfully arranged cut flowers.

Remember to include a brief blurb about your photo(s).

Please have your pics emailed to me by the end of September and I'll post them as soon as I can, sometime in October.

Photos of previous annual Garden Photos Events may be viewed here.


  1. Oh dear...we're already hitting mid-30s and no rain likely for weeks yet.But I'll gird up my loins and do my best!

  2. What happens to fun bags
    when they're no longer fun?

    Must have something to do
    with the wort on a nipple, right?

  3. Replies
    1. PEENEE: Are you channeling LX? Where is he, by the way? What have you done with him?

    2. As I told the officer, "Unless you have a warrant, I'm really not interested in discussing this."

  4. I may have to send in a ancestral home garden photo...I'm much too exhausted to tend to my bushes right now.

  5. I've been pulling "Sticky Willy" by the handful all year. Jx

    1. PS Collating photos as we speak... Jx

    2. I had to look up what Sticky Willy weed is. I have it in my yard as well. I tried to get it before it goes to seed.

    3. JON & JEFFERY: Mind you don’t get a rash.

    4. I've got it too. I never knew what it was called. I hate them, weeding is bad enough.

    5. You've got WHAT, Mr. Peenee? Sticky willy? Or a rash?

      In any case, I've got some ointment that will help.

    6. Maybe it's just on my monitor...but to the right of your reply about helpful ointment is the cookie monster .

  6. Oh, dear. Those hanging baskets look to have seen better days...

    1. MR. DEVICE: Not even Miracle-Gro can help.

      Word has it that you’ve held the tinfoil hat compo and that Miss Savannah was the winner. I shall come by for a look asap. A bit tied up at the moment.

    2. I know. Can you believe it?! Not that Savvy won, but that she actually remembered the compo was happening, and managed to submit a hat!

      P.S. Tied up? Do you remember your safe word?

  7. Summer returns with a vengeance this week with heat and humidity. Can't wait until it is over. Fall returns next weekend.

    1. JEFFERY: It was 40°C here today. That’s 104°F. The doorknob on my house was too hot to handle.

  8. Er...... My weeds are doing well.... I'm sure I'll be able to find something.... I do have a video of an otter....??

    1. MISS SCARLET: Have you trimmed your bush?

    2. A video of an otter?! Oh, gods. I'm so behind the times with my cormorants.

      * flounces off *

  9. Unfortunately, nature--pests and weather--wiped out my gardening efforts...

    But I look forward to the treasures our talented growers want to show us!

    1. EROS: Hurricane gardening presents challenges.

      We’re glad you’re safe!

    2. Eros! Lots of us were wondering where and how you are. At least you're sufficiently alive to pop up here~! xx
      (I have the very rudely named orchids at my place)
