Sunday, January 30, 2022

Cooking Disasters

You've told us about your baking disasters. Now tell us about your cooking disasters.


  1. Like our beloved Mistress,
    I've scorched my nipples a time or two.

  2. I made a mistake once by buying chilli powder from an authentic Indian store (with its label in Hindi). I made a chili con carne with all the quantities according the a recipe I'd used previously - but when we went to eat it, it made vindaloo seem like boiled-beef-and-carrots in comparison! We admitted defeat after a few spoonfuls... Jx

  3. This past Thanksgiving I ended up having a cinematic meltdown (over the phone) with my aunt. We've been at odds for a number of years & the bottom line is- she won't admit to any wrongdoing, will never apologize.

    I was doing my prep work on Wednesday when we had our "incident." Because I was so rattled, a thing I never have problems with, mashed potatoes, became a bowl of wallpaper paste. I tried to fix it & just kept making it worse. I added eggs & tried to bake the mess, but it rewarded me by bubbling over in the oven.

    1. NORMA: Send your aunt to the Oubliette. The Mistress will deal with her there.

  4. Charcoal carrots are my speciality, as mentioned before. I also had an incident where the glass in the oven door simply fell out. No dinner that night.

    1. MISS SCARLET: I'll let this be a lesson to stop pressing my face up to the oven door glass to see how my cake is coming along.

    2. Ms Scarlet- They may have an HGTV rehab show which highlights that very thing.

    3. NORMA & MISS SCARLET: How about “Rehab Roast Recue?” If it doesn't already exist, it should.

  5. Been having computer issues, what else is new and I've not been receiving comments at my usual address. I'm hoping I just remedied the situation.


    1. NORMA: If it’s any consolation, Blogger only sends comment notices to me for a few of you Infomaniac Bitches. I don’t know why.

  6. For one dinner party, I burned the cornmeal crust topping on a big ass chicken pot pie, but saved it by prying the brunt bit off (yay) and then burnt the pecan pie I was making for dessert. Fuckety fuck was all I could say.

    1. PEENEE: This is why you should have the nearest Chinese take-out on speed dial.

  7. Speaking of cooking desasters - I just learned from wikipedia that "Poutine Week" starts today, this year even in a doublesized version : Bon appetit !

    1. MAGO: There are more than two dozen restaurants taking part in Poutine Week just in my city alone.
