Thursday, February 11, 2021

Wall Posters


When you were a youth, did you decorate your bedroom walls with posters? 

If so, what kind of posters? Celebrities? Movies? Musicians? Art? Advertising? Other?


  1. I never ever...ever, did such things with posters of Charles Nelson Reilly, Rip Taylor or Paul Lynde and the walls........

  2. I certainly never got my rocks off to my poster of Debbie Harry, nor to my later acquisition of David Bowie's glorious "Glamour" pose, but I might just have whacked one (or several) out to the infamous one of Spandau Ballet in loincloths... Jx

  3. The contrast between Maddie's "Charles Nelson Reilly" and Jon's "Spandau Ballet loincloths" boggles the mind.

  4. Boy does this zoom me back. My next door neighbor had posters of Paul Revere & the Raiders & others I can't recall. I mention the neighbor because I'd lay there & watch him do things similar to this with something similar to this. It was the best of times.

  5. The Bay City Rollers! Yes, a terrible thing to admit.

  6. I had a poster of the night sky (this one, in fact), but I didn't like it *that* much!

    1. Mr. DeVICE: I suspect you had a poster of Orion's belt buckle area.

  7. I had one of Morten Harket from Aha that got replaced with the cast of The Goonies, then Billy Idol. I got through a Hell of a lot of Chupa Chups in my youth!

    1. MITZI: I'm sure you're aware that the name of the brand "Chupa Chups" comes from the Spanish verb chupar, meaning "to suck".

  8. I had many as a kid but the one I remember most is the infamous Farrah Fawcett-Majors in her red swimsuit. In hindsight I think the pleasure was to fantasize about being an Angel with a white Mustang.

    1. Welcome back, Hayward!

      We’ve been missing you and also AyeM8y, the president of The Mean Dirty Pirate Internet Friends of Farrah Fawcett Fan Club.

  9. I had an excessively groovy Aries poster.

    1. PEENEE: Your homostrology compatibility chart says to beware of Libras who are your Astrological Hell.

  10. Hello Mistress, I've stopped by to visit and say Hello! I say, this is the most amount of dicks I've seen in years! I spent a good long time tacking up posters of 80's teenage heartthrobs once as a young girl, only to discover that it was too many eyes for my poor brain! I-I cannot sleep with so many eyes in the room, even if they're only in pictures! So I pulled them all down. An exhibitionist I am not.

    1. Welcome to Infomaniac, Melanie Reynolds!

      Since you're not an exhibitionist, you can fulfill your voyeuristic tendancies here, with the bonus of a knitting pattern thrown in every now and again.
