Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What Should I Cock?

A reminder that on Wednesday, Infomaniac will be posting pics of your furry friends.

I won’t be around much today but in my absence, I’m leaving something for you to ponder.

This Google search arrived via London, England and is begging for an answer…

iam bored and hungry what should i cock?

Can anyone help?

See you Wednesday!


  1. SECOND!

    Wieners, of course.

  2. Try fish; or if you'd prefer, a nice rump roast.

  3. Kitty: It's like looking in a mirror! Meeowww! Now come pet me!

  4. filthy London bugger! How on earth did he find your family friendly blog?

  5. Anything with a hole

  6. Ooh! Tim lives in London, so, in case it was him, the answer is: Me!
    If it wasn't him, I don't care what he "cock"'s.

  7. With you strictly in mind, I would cook up a fish pie followed by faggots. ; )

  8. XL: Did you not get your fill at the Infomaniac Weenie Roast?

    RANDOM: See comment to XL.

    MAGO: Sugar baby.

    EROS: Rump roast?

    *pushes Eros head first into the oven*

    CYBERPOOF: I’m convinced my URL is written on the wall of a public toilet.

    MR.POOPIE: Con chorizo, si?

    KAZ: We don’t use that kind of language around here.

    MAXI: Welcome to Canada.

    Donut capital of the world.

    IVD: I’d push you into the oven with Eros but you don’t have enough meat on you.

    DAISY: A gun?

    No need for violence.

    *typical American*

    BOLLIX: I’ll share my fish pie with you but the faggots are mine.

  9. I had a wee cock, and I loved it well,
    I fed my cock on yonder hill;
    My cock, lily-cock. lily-cock, coo;
    Everyone loves their cock,
    Why should not I love my cock too?

  10. CHAMP: A touching lyrical tribute to your wee cock.

    Speaking as your your Official Beard and Body Hair Groomer, I must ask: is it time for a trim?

  11. They Cant Cook or Cock or anything else in London.
    London FOOD SEX BEER FOOTBALL (apart from West Han ) ETC is the Worst in the World! Much better in Yorkshire where the Cocks are freerange+organic!

  12. Cock-a-leekie?


  13. West Han rule, ok!

    Boiled beef & carrots
    Boiled beef & carrots

  14. (dammit, blogger ate my comment!)

    uh...damn, and it was a good one, too!


  15. Beast is worn out today and has nothing to say

  16. i see wots cocking over here.

    *holds nose and looks around for cold beer*

  17. An eyebrow, like Spock?

    Eh, I'm late to the game, whaddya want...

  18. Yeah I did it up in Hampstead Heath last time I was in London.

    IDVs phone number was there too

  19. MJ...it wasn't about violence...she wanted something to eat - expression "eat your gun" comes to mind...and she wanted something to cock...cocking a gun...

    i thought it was rather witty of me actually...another wasted attempt at humour...hmmph

  20. maybe it was a typo. maybe it was 'im bored and hungry what should i, cock?"

    see how much more sense it makes now?


    I take it you’ve sampled all four?

    In that particular order or simultaneously?

    GEOFF: Go, Irons!

    Have we been into the cooking sherry, Geoff?

    SAVANNAH: I’ll bet it was the Comment of the Year.

    Dang, dang and double dang.

    BEAST: Oh dear.

    *feigns concern*

    VOICES: The Googler in question is British so you’ll find nothing but warm beer.

  22. CATSCRATCH: Woohooooo!

    LEAH: Shouldn't you be working on your time warp calculations, Miss Leah?

    CYBERPOOF: IVD’s number is written on the wall of every public toilet in Great Britain.

    HEFF: Bonus points for being an Amurican who knows the meaning of Spotted Dick!

    DAISY: I didn’t get it…I’m a thicko.

    A British term you’ll want to bandy about when you go to England and meet Beast.

    Repeat after me… “Beast, you thicko!”

    NATIONS: I geddit!

    *not really but it’s best to agree with the non compos mentis*

  23. MJ so thicko doesn't mean the same as it does in america? it has nothing to do with the girth of one's member? good thing you told me before i said it to beast thinking i was meaning something else...

  24. DAISY: I must now attempt to erase the image of Beast's member out of my mind.

    I feel tainted.

  25. oh my dear mj...you were so tainted even prior to this!

  26. what lovley post made me go ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! CUNT! beast should have fun with the thugs i havnt walked themfor a week xx

  27. DAISY: We all started out tabula rasa, may I remind you.

    MR.C: What an unexpected pleasure!

    I must remind you, though, to go walkies with the dogs or you'll be haunted by the ghost of Barbara Woodhouse.
