We want to know...
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Source: How to Find Your Man by Joe Bonomo, 1954• Do you remember daintiness, at all times?
• Can you wear slacks or shorts and still be girlish . . . and do you avoid them otherwise?
• When you're dressing for an evening date, do you avoid mannish suits?
• Do you always remember that white gloves, or a white collar, should be spotless?
• Do you take the time to use a drop of perfume . . . to put on a piece of jewelry. . . Not too much of it, please!
• Do you watch your posture . . . never sprawling or slouching?
• Do you remember not to stride . . . to walk with a spring that looks as if you like to dance?
• Do you watch the way you use your voice in conversation?
You've a good start if you can answer 'yes' to these! An even better start if that's every day. . . not just when you have a date. Remember, you never can tell who's looking!