…with a record snowfall.
Parked cars under mounds of snow.
I thought you Bitches in milder climes might like to see this…
(It's not necessary to turn on your speakers. And those of you with no patience can fast forward to see the number of trucks coming down the street at the end.)
The video clip shows Montréal (
Huggy Jon’s hometown) digging out from a recent record snowfall and there’s almost as much snow here in Mistress MJ’s little corner of the cuntry. This is a fairly typical scene from
any Canadian winter.
The snow is not only being swept up…it’s being loaded onto trucks and taken to one of 29 snow elimination sites or “snow dumps” in Montréal. Would you rather we ship it to your house?
The average volume of snow taken to disposal sites in Montréal per year is 325,000 truckloads.
Following a snowstorm, it can take up to 5 days to remove the snow from the streets and sidewalks in Montréal.
For the love of all that is holy,
keep out of the way of the snow removal equipment!
Oh, and did you notice those unattractive structures in front of several houses? Those are called “tempos” or “abri-tempos.” Tempos are temporary shelters designed to protect your driveway and car from the winter elements…
Tempos are ubiquitous in Québec. Almost as bad as
But it's not ALL bad.
Someone in my neighbourhood made a snow penis. It looked something like this...
Unfortunately, by the time I returned to take a photo (for you Bitches,) someone had knocked the penis off and all that remained were a pair of snow balls.
We hope you’ve enjoyed your visit to our Winter Wonderland.