Wednesday, June 09, 2021

10 Seconds to Love

Click pic to enlarge.
What would you Bitches do if you had only ten seconds to love?


  1. In, out, and wipe it on the curtains, I'd imagine. Jx

  2. What can you do in 10 seconds? I would Clutch my imaginary pearls and fill my knickers, in France and some central European countries the latter is considered a turn on, so I'd probably just do that.

  3. Light up a cigarette and inhale deeply. Soz, I no longer have any hormones to be bothered to do anything else.

  4. Love? What is love?

    Error! Error! Does not compute!

    :: KA-BOOM! ::

  5. I'm heading straigtht for the cockpit.

  6. In the case depicted, I'd also head directly to the cockpit : And happily squeeze any ounce of life out of "Steve". I'd simply refuse to die before I haven't heared the satisfying snap of his neck. But this is just me.

    Regarding your question - another look, another kiss, and then we'll meet whatever is there to meet, wide-eyed ...

    In other news, you may have seen it already, I llink it nevertheless (no ! Not the latest cr*** horror, tah !), but some bones.


  7. Honestly Steve is the more handsome of the two. I'll take Steve's cock and someone else can have the wheel while I get him in the right proper mood for the feather's kiss of all landings.

    I am the Disaster Preparedness Queen after all, I know how to handle men like these.
