Monday, February 27, 2012

Care and Maintenance

Mistress MJ is having her vulfix serviced and will return in a couple of days.



  1. May I borrow your Velva Cream, Norma?

    Okay, I'm officially out of here now.

    Catch you Bitches later.

  2. My contract clearly states "pillows only." No vulfixes.

  3. It must be catching! I have a facial hair problem too and so does Carmen. I had a bit of a do with my electric shaver this morning, it's a recharable one, I only managed to shave one side of my face before it lost its power and conked out, I put it on to re-charge and carried on with my morning ablutions. Yes I did forget to do the other side. Trust Carmen to notice and say in Zizzi's in a loud booming voice "Whaz ap with t'face, tis only af done?" She doesn't have a Yorkshire accent btw, she's a spastic with eyes like a shithouse rat, doesn't miss a thing.

  4. First!

    Too much Oscar after-party at the Infomaniac Lounge?

  5. Sadly BlazngScarlet, that would be sixth.

    Mistress, if you get your chatterbox fixed, will you have an answering cervex?

  6. I'm still to traumatised at the idea of a vulfix to comment.

    For some reason superglue keeps coming to mind, which seems a bit drastic when kegel exercises will do the trick.

  7. And it takes four men to do the job, apparently!

  8. It was a dream my friend J. and me shared, to have a giant shaving or make-up brush ...

    ... gimme the bottle please ..

  9. Isn't that what the RectoRooter is for?

  10. its hard to find a good vulfix these days. they just don't make them like they used to. sigh

  11. that service stand has two places for gold and 2 for bronze.....hope you are having the gold service done Mistress - TWICE at that!

  12. It's alway a good idea to keep your vulfix maintained. You don't want a breakdown half way thru the act.

  13. I had mine fixed a couple of years ago - never looked back since!

  14. i don't know how much longer i can last. that must be one tore-up vilfix. stay strong my beloved

  15. Must be time for the Annual Beaver Shave... What better way to get up a nice thick lather than with Badger Bristles...

  16. See, I was thinking she was going to have the beaver replaced with badger. I did. Now every time a vole wanders through the garden I

    ....won't continue that thought.

  17. make sure it's well oiled and rotated. Now one wants a creaky vulfix.

  18. Sending you and your Vulvex good thoughts.

    Puppy porn up at my blog if you're able.

  19. this has been the longest most painful several hours of my life. thank you jesus for not inflicting me with a vulfix. or two. would that be vulfixi? vulfixum? vulfixeses? vulfax? eewww i am sending you a vulfax now! hee hee suddenly kabuki feels better.

  20. Mistress MJ has received kabuki-san's vulFAX and is ready to roll again.

    I'll try to pop by your blogs later.

    Thanks ever so much for your ... well, thanks for being the Bitches that you are.
