Friday, January 06, 2012

Filthy Friday

Our first Filthy Friday in this, The Year of the Arse



  1. Yay! First!
    What was it I was just saying about maintaining a strict fluid intake?

  2. Ooh, a tie! But I must bow before the Princess...

  3. Looks like a dead heat Mr Thombeau!
    Come lets stand up here on the dais together....

  4. ...and stick a bottle up my ass.

  5. We can let the other Bitches bow before both of us!

  6. That reminds me to buy some more maple syrup.

  7. Now now ladies...there's room for two on the podium.

    Oh Hai LX!

  8. I'm thirsty. Anyone got a...

    ...never mind.

  9. It's like a human seltzer bottle.

  10. In that case, he should be wearing a red clown nose.

    And speaking of redness...

    Click to enlarge and tell me...

    Is that a lesion of some sort on his cock?

  11. Maybe...could be the little place where the mushroom splits in two...or a bad circumcision or all three.

  12. I suspect it's from crawling around on the floor near the toilet.

  13. I really didn't want to look that closely... but now that you mention it... it could be a mutilation of the meatus or a fistula of the flange or just a plain old pimple of peni... or a lesion of the legoverer...
    Perhaps "Prince Albert" is on leave?..

  14. Princess, there's something I forgot to mention on your rumpology report...

    I foresee a career in nursing for you.

  15. That was on my let cheek... Right?

  16. Actually, I found it a little further away...

    On your coccyx.

  17. Is that a sprite? I shall never drink sprite again. Or maybe it is 7-up - the uncola. As in as soon as I un-plug it, you may have a refreshing beverage. kabuki must lay down and rest now, his eyes feel all icky and such.

  18. and i certainly didn't come
    here looking for puppies, did i?

  19. Is this why President Obama is always bowing to everybody? OK, that photo is burned into my retinas and I don't know if I can ever get it out again. That's just Ugh!

  20. BOXER: I'll need a straw.

    I hope you thank Marvin Stone each time you take a sip from a straw.

    Did you celebrate National Drinking Straw day on January 3rd?

    KABUKI: Is that a sprite? I shall never drink sprite again. Or maybe it is 7-up - the uncola. As in as soon as I un-plug it, you may have a refreshing beverage. kabuki must lay down and rest now, his eyes feel all icky and such.

    He prefers being unplugged to being kicked.

    NORMADESMOND: and i certainly didn't come
    here looking for puppies, did i?

    We’re not miracle workers, Norma.

    EPIC FAIL: Is this why President Obama is always bowing to everybody? OK, that photo is burned into my retinas and I don't know if I can ever get it out again. That's just Ugh!

    Did no one warn you about Filthy Fridays on Infomaniac?

    Parental guidance is advised.

  21. Kinda reminds me of that lady in Priscilla shooting ping pong balls from her as a party trick butt....

  22. Ah well, its inconvenient when the table water is too cold, thank you George.

  23. The bottled water is...actually it's not ok, but the glistening metric shit-ton of lube is even more not ok-er. See,in my world that's called cheating.

    *re-reads Garden of Sand*

  24. TOPHER: Kinda reminds me of that lady in Priscilla shooting ping pong balls from her as a party trick butt....

    Have you ever seen old clips of The Ed Sullivan Show?

    Why not add plate-spinning (out of yer arse) to your repertoire of party tricks?

    MAGO: Ah well, its inconvenient when the table water is too cold, thank you George.


    NATIONS: The bottled water is...actually it's not ok, but the glistening metric shit-ton of lube is even more not ok-er. See,in my world that's called cheating.
    *re-reads Garden of Sand*

    *wonders why this book slipped under my radar and adds “Garden of Sand” to book list*

  25. So how fast and hard does he have to shake that ass to get the lid to pop off?

  26. Now this goes back to the previous post. Talk about a creative way to get Jennine out of her bottle!!!!!
