Saturday, October 21, 2006

Musical Interlude: Try – Blue Rodeo

Fellow Canucks (you know who you are) have said to me, “You’re a Canadian, eh? How come you don’t have more Canadian content on your blog, eh?’

So, in an attempt to fulfill my CanCon requirements, here’s a musical interlude from Canadian band Blue Rodeo.

Just because it’s a beautiful song and because…

I’m falling in love
oh night after night.....
oh its CRAZZ-ya-zzy.


  1. One of their classics, MJ...I've seen 'em three times. Great choice to fulfil that Cancon quota.

  2. WW: Ta. That means something coming from a Canucklehead. Beauty, eh? Hoser.

  3. Anagram of "Listen to Blue Rodeo?"

    "Obedient Lout Loser"

    Yup thats me!

  4. SID: Loser? You? Certainly not! Obedient? Yes.
    Mistress MJ

  5. Canada has a wealth of musical talent but too small a home market.
    So the rest of the world benefits.

  6. Nice one MJ, you made us proud! I've always liked that tune.
