As you know, it is a requirement of all male Infomaniac bitches to submit a photo of their bare bottom to Mistress MJ.
Today we are delighted to present
Kevin’s arse from Toronto, Ontario, Canada…
Well, to be honest, it’s more like Kevin’s
Manties we’re presenting than his actual bare arse but he’s a shy and sensitive hothouse flower.
Better than nothing, we suppose.
It must be difficult, after all, to be the follow-up to
Mean Dirty Pirate’s ass.
Perhaps with a little encouragement from the rest of you bitches, he’ll reveal more in future.
Kevin’s arse has been included in Infomaniac’s
gallery of alluring arses.
If your arse isn’t pictured there, where IS it?
We invite submissions of male bare bottoms to be posted in our gallery, or, if you’re ultra-shy, you may submit the photo for Mistress MJ’s private collection.
Shy fellas may also do as Kevin has done and simply display their wares covered.
Just do it, bitches!
And thank you, Kevin.
We hope to see MORE of you in future.