What is that lamp? Why is she still burning whale oil? Haven't they run the 'lectric out that far yet? She should get a really long extension cord. Maybe someone in Wisconsin could plug it in for her. Maybe she is headachy and irritable from rendering blubber all afternoon. Or chopping wood or making cheese. I feel sorry for her actually. Canadians aren't like us, you know. *shakes head sadly*
Fatigue, irritability and headache? Oh PLEASE! Just push it down. Push it all down. Put it in that secret place, lock it up and throw away the key.
ReplyDeleteA lengthy stay at the vodka fountain and/or the Infomaniac COCKtail Machine should relieve any and all symptoms.
ReplyDeleteI think Mistress is due for some pillow fluffing...
It's been a bit since your last foot massage, dear ... soso, wellwell ...
ReplyDeletei'm working on my butch stuff, sugar! enjoy your relax/chillax time, hunniebunnie! xoxooxox
ReplyDeleteI sure hope your using the furniture polish there on the table for the intended purpose?
ReplyDeleteis THAT what you use your furniture wax for?
ReplyDeletewell, don't wipe that gloppy hand on the chair.
Pills and liquor, baby!
ReplyDeleteI like to relax in the soft furnishing department in John Lewis, nothing as soothing as lots of beautifully made up beds.
ReplyDeleteI've got the batteries on charge!
Housework certainly makes you cranky.
ReplyDeleteHave a valium chaser. It'll cheer you up no end.
did someone give LX the day off as well? this can only lead to chaos. you have been warned.
ReplyDeleteI'm a little woozy from the furniture wax fumes.
ReplyDelete[fluffs pillows]
[wanders out, bangs head on door frame]
Furniture Wax! I thought it said Denture Wax!
ReplyDelete*scrolls up to picture... puts glasses on*
Oh... Sorry... My mistake... But it is nice to see that you are getting some use out of that hip flask MJ!
Good lord Prinny take the glasses back OFF before you catch a clear glimpse of that slipcover. WTF armchair?
ReplyDeleteYou are so right Ms Nations!!!
ReplyDelete*trying to hold back on dry retching whilst removing glasses*
Looks like the Houseboys have not been using towels again...
What is that lamp? Why is she still burning whale oil? Haven't they run the 'lectric out that far yet? She should get a really long extension cord. Maybe someone in Wisconsin could plug it in for her. Maybe she is headachy and irritable from rendering blubber all afternoon. Or chopping wood or making cheese. I feel sorry for her actually. Canadians aren't like us, you know. *shakes head sadly*
ReplyDeleteShe's probably out digging potatoes and curding cheese as we speak...
ReplyDeleteI smell poutine on the menu....
Nothing that the Neely O'Hara cocktail won't cure, equal parts Vodka, Valium and Vicodan shaken until frothy.
ReplyDeleteFeeling rested after sniffing that can of furniture wax and downing the pills.
ReplyDeleteAnd now it's cocktail party time!