Are you a gay who’s going grey?
A poof with snow on the roof?
Have we got a place for you!
Come on in!
Join our hosts
Tazzy and Piggy (two aging poofs from Yorkshire) for a tour of this exceptional gay retirement home.
You pause on the front step, looking perplexed as there’s nothing resembling a doorbell or a knocker.
“Simpleton,” sniffs Piggy. “See that letter slot in the door at hip height? Just slip your todger through the slot and we’ll cum to greet you.”
Once inside, a portrait of
Quentin Crisp greets you in the grand entrance hall.
Quentin Crisp
Photos of dead gay icons line the walls of your new home. They’re all here: Judy Garland, Oscar Wilde, Liberace, Joan Rivers… oh wait, she’s still got a few years left on that face lift.
Tazzy and Piggy lead you to the communal “living” room where you’ll find all your old gay friends.
“Lawks!” screams a freakishly tall, rake-thin figure as he bumps his head on the ceiling.
Gasp! Its
(The Home was designed by Piggy, who, by the way, is a Pygmy… a ginger Pygmy, actually. Anyway, Pygmies have no concept that the rest of the world might be over 4 feet 11 inches tall so the freakishly tall IVD is having difficulty getting about in his new home.)
Why, you ask, is the relatively young IVD living in a home for aging poofs?
IVD is only in his LATE thirties but he’s developed an old lady’s taste as seen here…
IVD’s twee little cakes. Perfect to serve at the old poofs’ home with tea and a game of bridge.
As we scan the room, we see more familiar faces.
Why, there’s
Mr. Frobisher! And he’s made a friend!...
Frobi (right with feathered mask) with unidentified friend on left. Perhaps we should have called it a “Camp” instead of a Home?
Old Knudsen appears to be disoriented…
I’m not ghey! Where’s the gurlyboys?
“What about activities and events?” you inquire.
We’re glad you asked.
Come along to the spa and relax in the hot tub!…
“What about Internet access? I NEED TO BLOG!!!” you fret.
Piggy assures us, “We’re fully equipped so you need never stop blogging ‘til the day you die. Access all your faves… like Infomaniac, for example!”
“Will I have my own private bedroom?” you wonder.
“We’re still working on that,” smirks Piggy. “For now you’ll have to share a room.”…
So cum enjoy the good life at
Piggy the Pygmy (left) and the freakishly tall IVD (right) out for their morning constitutional. Note that Piggy is still able to walk upright without the aid of a Zimmer frame.
We’re sold on getting old!
Note 1: This post was inspired by Inner Voices who commented, “I went over to Tazzy and Piggys place... found the blog link and still couldn’t really figure it all out? Is it a dating site?” That led me to think that Taz & Pig should start a dating service for old poofs which led to me think they should also start up a retirement home for old gays.
Note 2: No new posting ‘til Monday so suck on this one ‘til then.