Monday, February 20, 2023

Blogging from Beyond the Grave

I bring news of our dear friend LX (aka XL aka Mr. Lax, etc.) who departed this world some time ago.

LX's profile photo (one of his beloved Siamese cats.)

I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that I miss his presence, his sense of humour, his good nature, and his comments.

Recently, in 2023, I checked my Blogger spam folder. I'm in the habit of checking the folder on a regular basis so there shouldn't have been any comments older than 2022. Imagine my surprise when there were comments I'd never seen before in my spam folder dated 2010

Considering that I'd checked my spam folder multiple times during the past year, I was stunned to find comments from 2010! How did those 2010 comments suddenly show up in 2023?

And do you know who those comments were from? LX!!! See for yourself ...

Click on image to enlarge. I found these comments in 2023 in my spam folder written by LX although they're dated 2010, and although he died a few years ago, and although I've been regularly checking my spam folder and couldn't possibly have missed comments from 2010 during previous checks.

I'm thrilled to have been visited from beyond the grave but what do you Bitches make of all this?


  1. You mean to say all those comments and not one said "Did I win yet"?

    You're not the only one. I checked my spam folder a week.. and there's constantly a barrage of comments anywhere from last week, as far back as 2009. I'm very puzzled as to what's going on. I need a gin.

  2. Wow! I’m going to check my old Blogger comments now. Blogger is a mysterious beast.
    I had a lot of bother breaking through security to see this post - in the end I had to get in via an emailed comment reply from the previous post. As I said, Blogger is a mysterious beast!

  3. Google security is shot to bits at the moment. I get the same with Blogger comments (that have already been posted, incidentally) appearing in my spam folder.

    I also get loads of spam in my email account from fake accounts registered to Google apps like Drive, Play and Contacts. I blame Putin. Or Sundar Pichai. Notice how you never see them in the same room at the same time... Jx

  4. Well, I would have been FIRST here, but my comment was wiped out. I think my cat walked on the keyboard.
    Did I win yet?

  5. I'm sorry to read that Mr LX is no longer with us. Nowadays, who isn't no longer with us? My god Mistress, look at that right hand column of yours!

    As to these mysterious comments of yesteryear, Blogger/Google is a fucking fuck thing & I hate them more than anything. Hate.

    "Did I win yet?" was fabulous.

  6. I'm not planning to delete his messages from my spam folder. Each time I check my spam folder, it will feel like he's visiting. Yes, I realize how ridiculous that sounds. Just humour me.

    Thanks to all of you for carrying on the "First!" and "Did I win yet?" traditions.

    p.s. My own blog refused access to me unless I signed into my Gmail/Blogger account first. Is there no end to the madness?

    1. The internet will be our memories. I've imagined people coming across blogs, like this gem, in 100 years and doing excavation. Hope Henry Louis Gates is still around!

    2. The people of the future are going to love your obit posts, Norma.

  7. I was reminded of dear LX a couple of years ago during a stay in Falmouth, I was sat on a bench overlooking the sea when I felt something sharp prod me in my lower back, I turned around and was faced with an aloe vera plant, it's thick leaves were etched with borstal tattoos and there in block capitals were the letters XL and my thoughts turned to LX.

    1. Mitzi, if an aloe vera plant prodded me in the lower back, I'd think the letters XL were mocking my pants size.

  8. Comments appearing in my spam folder are only recent ones and I have no idea why. Re Lx, I still have him on my blog roll and the emails we exchanged over the years. I framed the Brandenburg Gate postcard he sent me. He was a real sweetpea! xoxo

  9. I was thinking about LX recently-ish. He and I shared a Texas Gulf Coast childhood and a disdain for it. Nevertheless, I don't approve of ghosts; you stay on your side of the grass and I will try to stay on mine.

  10. I'm guessing LX has joined a Renaissance fair in the Great Beyond.

  11. I miss LX too, but I haven't had any comments from him recently.
    I have, like Jon has, had pre-published comments turn up in my spam folder though. Mostly Melanie's, bizarrely.

  12. BITCHES: The Mistress and carpal tunnel syndrome are locked in a battle of wills. I shall visit your blogs next week or as soon as one of us wins.

    1. This is all I am going to say on the matter. Jx
