Friday, January 03, 2020

Of Coven Awards and Quizzes

Mr. DeVice presents the 2019 Coven Awards and a new feature: the Did I Win Yet? QUIZ in honour of our old friend, LX.

Click here 

There are 13 questions in the quiz involving topics as diverse as cake and a "load of seamen."

Deadline for the quiz: Wednesday, January 8th.


  1. Ack! Where did you find that photograph of me in my schooldays?? I thought it had been expunged from the records!

    And thank you for the promo.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, but, DID I WIN YET????

    2. Not if I win first, Miss Scarlet.

    3. There has been another entry that may give both of you a run for your money!

      You're all winners, of course. It's just that some are just more so...
