Thursday, July 07, 2011

Public Service Announcement #13

(click pic and a bonus bottom appears next to him)

A reminder to slip-slop-slap.

Mistress MJ is busy preparing to hit the open road for the weekend and cannot join in on the discussion.

However, I simply cannot leave without knowing that you are heeding this advice!


This has been an Infomaniac Public Service Announcement.


  1. All I can say about the top picture (thanks for the extra arse, one was obviously *not* enough), is that I'm glad you posted that picture, not the ones taken 2 mins later.

    I'd have hurled my cookies for sure.

  2. He can sit out in the sun all he wants, sunshine is not going to make it grow any bigger. On the other hand, the lotion may help. As for her, I hope she put down a towel, I remember those old vinyl seats were hot as hell. Family car: black vinyl seats, no AC, burn scars on the back of my legs.

  3. So, that's what Comrade Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is doing in retirement!

  4. She has a nice tit there.
    Travel well, return safe, will ya'!

  5. That's just nasty! *Applying lipstick Queen Amidala style*

  6. Is he lubing up the bottom as well?
