Friday, May 05, 2006

Happy Birthday, First Nations!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday First Nations
Happy Birthday to you

I would have yodelled this birthday tune to you but I know how you hate yodelling. So I’m singing this to a polka beat instead.


  1. I had no idea that your icon was a hot girl humping a pogo stick?!?!

    Very poignant LOL

  2. No, it's Betty Page (rather poorly done, looking rather like Diane Downs, actually) dressed up as a lil' indian, wearing a pair of Dearfoam slippers that my grandmother had the exact same pair of, curled up suggestively with a Corndog. And it's a tattoo. Someone will be laid to rest wearing that thing. All in all a perfect metaphor for all things FirstNations.

    I am so complemented! thank you MJ! omg! *blushes purple, then mauve*

  3. yeah I meant corndog...a Pogostick is the brand name

    I think it's pretty sweet
