Sunday, February 21, 2021
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Wall Posters
When you were a youth, did you decorate your bedroom walls with posters?
If so, what kind of posters? Celebrities? Movies? Musicians? Art? Advertising? Other?
Saturday, February 06, 2021
Digging Out
Number 153 of my 154 drafty drafts...
Click photo to enlarge.
It's particularly appropriate to my little corner of the world in early February.
Monday, February 01, 2021
Experimental Underwear Association
Mr. DeVice mentioned here that he has 16 unpublished blog drafts. He wondered if anyone else had a load of half-finished blog posts languishing in their drafts folders. He went on to ask, "If I show you mine, will you show me yours?" And so, here is the first of my 154 drafts...