Our next entry in the
Seventh Annual Infomaniac Garden Photos Event is from
Jon in London, England. A reminder to click to enlarge...
Above: A view up Jon's back passage.
It's been another delightful summer in the extensive gardens here at
Dolores Delargo Towers - and, up until mid-July, a hot one too. We also benefited from a particularly mild spring here in London, which meant that all our bulbs and herbaceous plants were off to a very early start, and with the balmy air of May and June everything rocketed to put on some impressive growth.
fennel reached eight feet tall, the
Rosa "Veilchenblau" grown from a cutting produced almost 20 sprays of flowers, the
Nicotiana mutabilis was already six feet tall in April (and its progeny are even taller, and still flowering beautifully in September), and
from Kniphofia to delphiniums to lilies to dahlias to salvias, the flowers have all been bigger and better than ever (despite the bloody Fuchsia gall mites!).
I have struggled to whittle down the photos to a manageable few, but here is a selection over three seasons:
We love our garden!
We love your garden too, Jon!